Case Study

Elevating Design Strategy

Updating Content and Crafting a Functional Design System

LED Lighting Provider

LED Lighting Provider

I began the project by conducting meetings with the client to determine the project scope and timeline.

The direction of the brand was already mostly defined, but I directed some exercises to determine that mission of the company and how the stakeholders wanted that to be communicated. I also gathered details about how the typical customer would interact with the website, concluding that product features would need to be highlighted the most, as they were the biggest contributing factor in sales.


In order to better understand the potential needs of the new website, I conducted a Competitive analysis of similar LED manufacturers, as well as other sustainably minded products.


This analysis revealed that clear and concise information about the specific product features, along with a straightforward way to compare products were of the utmost importance. I noted that many websites prominently featured their company values as a selling point; usually these were commitment to efficiency and reliability.

Establishing Goals

Before moving onto the content creation and design phase, I used all information gathered from the Discovery phase to create three goals (expected results) of the project moving forward.


Revamp the website's copy to clearly and persuasively communicate the benefits and features of the LED Products


Ensure that user experience aligned with industry standards and user-centered design principles.


Transform the existing designs into a functional design system that would maintain brand consistency and facilitate efficient web development.


Communicating benefits and features

Establishing a voice

Leveraging the insights gained during the exploration phase, I set out to complete the copywriting content for all the pages. The website's main purpose was to sell and to inform so I began by first focusing on identifying where to place the Calls to Action (CTAs). Once I had that mapped out, I took all the information I had about the company and products' unique features and advantages, and filled it in the relevant areas.

The copy aimed to connect with users on both functional and emotional levels, highlighting energy savings, durability, and aesthetic appeal.

This text content goes in the hero section of the home page, serving as the user's initial point of engagement upon entering the website. It emphasizes the innovative nature of the product, and then immediately highlights two key metrics the typical customer would expect to know.

This text content goes in the hero section of the home page, serving as the user's initial point of engagement upon entering the website. It emphasizes the innovative nature of the product, and then immediately highlights two key metrics the typical customer would expect to know.

During the discovery phase, I learned about the importance of highlighting specific brand attributes. This content gives the user a great primer about the company's core values and promises to their customers.

During the discovery phase, I learned about the importance of highlighting specific brand attributes. This content gives the user a great primer about the company's core values and promises to their customers.

This text content was given to me by the client, but it was all combined in one giant paragraph, making it disinteresting and flat. I decided to create three separate sections, which communicated the feature attibutes in a much clearer way and just had better visual appeal.

This text content was given to me by the client, but it was all combined in one giant paragraph, making it disinteresting and flat. I decided to create three separate sections, which communicated the feature attibutes in a much clearer way and just had better visual appeal.

Design system

Ensure consistency and efficiency in design process

Communicating the issues

The client had hired a designer before me, and gave me their file so I could edit the text content directly in the file. (Just copywriting was the original scope of this project.) Once I started working in this file however, I noticed that the previous designer did not use Figma in all its functional ways, there was no Auto Layout or even frames used. Working in this design file was extremely frustrating, and in the end the design was not responsive at all.

As someone with experience in creating design systems in Figma and in Web Development, I communicated to the client that I believed they would benefit greatly if I took the designs and remade them to fit a design system. After a bit of back and forth, they accepted and I began work on creating this design system based on the webpages provided.

Atomic Design System

Building upon the wireframes, I developed a responsive design system that included standardized aspects of the design: a consistent color palette inspired by energy-efficient lighting, typography choices that conveyed professionalism and modernity, and imagery that showcased the aspirational benefits of the product. Creating the design system and documentation made development very seamless and opened up opportunities for efficient content creation in the future.

Atoms phase of the design system

Atoms phase of the design system

I delivered a responsive design system that made it so much easier to adapt to various devices and screen sizes.

I delivered a responsive design system that made it so much easier to adapt to various devices and screen sizes.

Final Product Mockups

About Page

LED Lighting Provider

Product Page

LED Lighting Provider
What I Learned


The text content I was given was very verbose and had no personality. In addition, communicating with stakeholders about changing problems with their existing designs was a challenge.


I resolved text content issues by involving stakeholders early, asking them what personality they wanted the brand to embody. As for the design, truth be told I did want to change more aspects, but then I understood that the stakeholders had spect a lot of time finalizing the previous design, so I resigned myself to just making the design system match the prototypes.

Looking Forward


The collaboration between stakeholders, user research, and iterative design processes resulted in a successful result that aligns with the company’s vision, enhances their online presence, and increases the potential of future content creation. The design system has allowed web development to progress a lot faster.

What's next

Web development of the website is currently in progress. Metrics will be updated once website is launched.

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