Case Study

Reshaping Design Approach

Brand and Website Design Overhaul for an Outdoor Gear Retailer

Blake Pro Gear

Blake Pro Gear

I began the project by conducting meetings with the client to determine the project scope and timeline.

The direction of the brand was not defined at all, so I directed some exercises to determine that mission of the company, the desired brand personality, and how the stakeholders wanted that to be communicated.


In order to better understand the potential needs of the new website, I conducted a Competitive analysis of typical outdoor gear company websites.


The analysis of the competitor websites showed that the basic standard in the field seemed to be a focus on showcasing products with high-quality photos and detailed descriptions, as well as providing information on the company's values and commitment to sustainability. Additionally, many prioritize user reviews and ratings, as well as offering a seamless shopping experience with easy navigation and checkout processes.

Who are the Users?

I asked BPG to provide any customer insights they had noticed through their experiences providing customer service, and they determined that their customers differentiated themselves into two groups: skilled people and unskilled people. I used this to create two User Personas with unique goals, which would help anchor my design process moving forward.



"As an avid hiker, I want to replace some items in my collection with higher quality and sustainable products, so that my hikes are more enjoyable."


college graduate

"As a person about to hike seriously for the first time, I want to buy reliable products that I can trust, so I can stay safe."

Establishing Goals

Before moving onto the design phase, I used all information gathered from the Discovery phase to create three goals (expected results) of the project moving forward.


develop a cohesive brand experience that allows the brand to communicate its core values and differentiate itself


create a design system for the website owner, that would ensure consistency and scalability for years to come


use basic design principles to improve user experience for the many types of customers across product pages

Brand Guideline

Establishing strong brand identity and recognition

Defining the brand

With validation from user research and persona creation, I met with the stakeholders to conduct a brand audit where we determined specificities of the brand personality and visual identity. I compiled all of these into a brand guideline presentation that could be shared with the stakeholders.

Screenshot of the resulting brand guideline. This was discussed heavily and iterated upon to ensure a satisfying result for the client.

Screenshot of the resulting brand guideline. This was discussed heavily and iterated upon to ensure a satisfying result for the client.

Updating the Logo

The logo served as the backbone for the rest of the visual elements on the webpage. First I took the logo and redesigned it to a form that would work for both print and web. The colors from the logo helped me create a color palette that would guide the design of the webpages.

Design System

Ensure consistency and efficiency in design process

Color + Typography + Grid

I began creating the design system by following the general Atomic Design System process. I utilized Figma’s Design Library in many ways, the first being for creating and organizing the variety of color palettes, typography, and grid styles.

To promote design unity, I created a complete color palettes for all the colors selected in the Brand Guideline. This made iteration and scalability so much easier for later on.

To promote design unity, I created a complete color palettes for all the colors selected in the Brand Guideline. This made iteration and scalability so much easier for later on.

Atoms to Molecules

From there, I moved onto adding functionality and creating more complex elements, such as Clickable elements and Header content.


I created a preliminary map of the Information Architecture by organizing the potential functionalities of each page I planned to design, which helped me identify the sections needed on each page for proper functionality. Then I was able to create very basic prototypes, which would guide the rest of my design process.

Utilizing Figma

Once I started creating the sections each page needed, I used Figma’s Variant features to create the screen responsive versions of those sections.

Static v. Variant

After I had completed all the sections, I went back and determined which sections could use more visual customization, and thus created a matrix of Variants.

In this section, I am giving the website owner the ability to change the background color based on the collection that is being highlighted, while keeping them aligned with the established brand guidelines. This strategy streamlines the implementation process for developers.

In this section, I am giving the website owner the ability to change the background color based on the collection that is being highlighted, while keeping them aligned with the established brand guidelines. This strategy streamlines the implementation process for developers.

Final Product Mockups

Home Page

Blake Pro Gear

Product Listing Page

Blake Pro Gear

Product Page

Blake Pro Gear

Responsive Versions

Blake Pro Gear
What I Learned


Communicating with stakeholders about changing their existing designs was a challenge.


I resolved this by allowing the stakeholders to make design decisions and keeping them informed during every step of the process. I tried not to stray too far from their choices, just adding functionality and complexity where it was needed.

Looking Forward


I was able to deliver a completely revitalized brand direction for BlakeProGear, through a completed brand guideline and organized design system. The stakeholders were extremely satisfied with the results provided, and felt really confident about their trajectory moving forward.

What's next

Unfortunately, web development has been put on pause due to supply chain issues within the company. Metrics will be updated once website is launched.

Thank you for reading!

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